INVITATION AND WELCOME We would like to invite you to Uruguay to attend the 19TH ISTRO CONFERENCE (International Soil Tillage Research Organization) and the IV SUCS Meeting (Uruguayan Soil Science Society) , to be held from 24 to 28th September, 2012 at the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay in South America. It would be an honor for Uruguay and our region to host these events. We would like our colleagues from around the world to see our land, pastures and crops, visit our neighboring countries (Argentina and Brazil), and experience the culture and hospitality in this part of the world. We envision this Conference will gather top specialists in the field from all around the world to present and discuss their research. The Conference will be locally organized by the URUGUAY ISTRO Branch, the Uruguay Soil Science Society (SUCS), the Department of Agriculture of the University of Uruguay and the National Institute of Agriculture Research (INIA-Uruguay). The Conference is highly supported by the Uruguayan Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay, the Department of Agriculture of the University of Uruguay, the Buenos Aires University of Agriculture, the Argentinean Soil Science Association, and the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). September is springtime in the Southern Hemisphere and temperatures range from 12 to 21°C .During Spring, days are longer, and crops, pastures and forests are at their best. We expect to see you in Uruguay in 2012 , and we thank you for the promotion of this important meeting amongst your colleagues.. Yours sincerely,
NEWS The Scientific Committee of the 19th ISTRO Conference announces the following decisions taken: